Rabu, 25 Mei 2011

What I Know About the Major Religion in the World

As we know, Christian is the major religion in the world. I am Christian, especially Catholic, but it doesn't mean that I know everything about Christian, I still have to study about it. But I will write what I know about this religion. It believes that Jesus is the Son of God who sent to the earth to sacrifice the people. He was crucified to atone for man's sins. Christian also believe the Trinity: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. This doesn't mean there are 3 gods, but the existence of a unitary whole of 3 elements. Christian celebrates Christmas, the birthday of Jesus. It celebrate every 25th of December.I don't know why in 25, but my father said, it came from the tradition of a country. Christmas is identical with Santa Claus who come and handed out gifts for good children. Besides Christmas, the Christians also celebrate Easter. It begin in Wednesday, tus 0 days before Easter, with giving ash on the forehead, the symbol of repentance. Then, the Christian do fasting, abstinence, and confess their sins during 40 days to holy week. The holy week begin with Palm Sunday to remember the coming of Jesus to Jerusalem, then in Holy Thursday there's mass to remember the last service of Jesus, then in Friday the Christian remember the last supper, because after that, Jesus become crucified by His own people. And the last celebrating is His resurrection in Sunday. If Christmas identically with Santa Claus, so Easter identically with the Easter bunny. When I was 10, me and my friend celebrated  Easter and we have to find the eggs that the committee has hide. It was fun. The last, the Christian especially Catholic has their leader, The Pope Benedictus XVI.


Rabu, 18 Mei 2011

It's Time to Being Positive

Nobody's perfect. In the same people there are bad side and good side. Sometime, people being a very kind man/woman to others, and maybe the next day he/ she becomes an evil. The good news, everybody really know about their good side, but the bad news, sometimes they don't realize about their bad side. That people always think that they are the better than others. Don't we realize that we did like that sometime? We thought that we are the best. We don't care or don't want to know (exactly) about the kindness of others. Let's prove it. Take two sheets of paper, make the title in each paper: my bad and my good. Write down as same as the title for 5 minutes. Then, check it, which more? My good. Then, do the same but it intended for another person. Then check again. I think the bad will be more. Why do it happen? Because we always think that nobody better than us (myself), and the others always have some flaws. But it doesn't happen all the time. Sometime, if somebody made a mistake to us, we will judge he/ she same mistake he/ she did. We forgive he/ she but didn't forget the mistake.
So, how to get a better understanding of what people like? By always realize that nobody's perfect in the world, so do us. everybody have bad side and good side, accept the advantaged and shortcomings of others. If we understand and then reflect on to become a better person, we will make a better world.


Rabu, 11 Mei 2011

Let's Sing Together!!!

Indonesia has a lot of famous songs. Traditional, pop, jazz, and else. I prefer to listen pop than the other. But sometimes, I listen to traditional songs, especially when my choir has to sing that song in one event. So, let me tell all of you about one of Indonesia famous song, especially traditional song. This song is North Sumatra's traditional song, titled "Butet". Butet is a nick name for a girl in Medan. So, sometimes, my mother call me butet too, because my mother come from Sidempuan, about 6 hours from Medan.
This song is tell about a wife who left by her husband because her husband call by war. Because that condition her husband had to guerrilla, hiding from the invaders. Both of them (the wife and her daughter) took a long time to get a news about their lovely head of household..
That woman pray to God to keep her husband safe and back home immediately and hope that when her daughter grow up she can become a member of red cross then she can help other who became victims of that war. I remember, when my mother sing this song, she will cry, because this song remind her about my grandmother who had passed away. This is a famous song not only in Medan, but also in Indonesia.


Rabu, 13 April 2011

My Favorite Ever!!!

If I go to travel around the world, there's one thing that I always bring. My diary. I always bring it to write down about my adventure daily. Just like if I return home or go to anywhere that spend a few days, I never forget to bring my diary. I always keep it in my backpack. At night, before I fall asleep, I write about what I've done that day and why I did it, anyone who met, or my embarrassing experience. Sometimes, I always write about my plan for the next day, what place where I visit, and what kind of food that I want to eat. It must be fun. Find new people, go to a place unknown and get lost together with friend, have a great adventure, eat the special food and drink at some place that I visit, being an explorer just like Dora in the jungle, and then, I write all of that in my diary. So, when I read it again and again, I have a new spirit to get another trip. For me, my diary is my treasure. It contain my unbelievable experiences that I don't know, can do it again? And as my hobby, I can collect my trip stories and arrange all of them beautifully, fix the language, and maybe I can publish it as guide book to trip around the world. Nice... So, the next destination is, Lourdes with my parents... Hope I can  realize it. I really want too.


My Own Adventure

I choose a safari adventure in Africa. For me, Africa is fantastic.I like to go around the dessert, find an oasis, maybe lost in the jungle, face to face with lion or else, sounds crazy and wonderful. The things that I will bring on my trip are:
1. Backpack: because I need to bring my stuff. And bring a backpack is simple to keep my stuff.
2. Sunglasses: Africa is hot and dazzled
3. Band-aid and first aid kit: I don't want to take a risk if I get an injury during my trip
4. Allergy medication: to prevent if I have an allergy that I ever know
5. ID-Card: remember, that I'm not an African, so I need to bring my ID as a tourist
6. Vitamins: to keep my body fit during my trip
7. Money pouch: keep my money and my foreign currency
8. Passport
9. Visa
10. Insurance card


Depart: to leave a place
Destination: a place want to go
Departure: time you leave
Arrive: to reach a place
Round trip: a ticket to go there and back
Luggage: what you bring on a trip especially bags or cases
Fight: a trip on a plane
Reserve: to find a seat on a flight to buy
Travel agent: person who helps plan your trip

Sabtu, 09 April 2011

Pak Anton, the Pedicab Man

Malam minggu, 9 April 2011
Saya dan pacar saya ceritanya mau cari alternatif malam mingguan. Jadi, acara pertama adalah makan di angkringan tugu alias kopi joss gandoss etek ewer, tapi saya malah pesan tape panas dan pacar saya malah pesan susu jahe (korelasinya adalah...), dan kami entah kerasukan apa jadi punya nafsu makan yang oke mengalahkan anak malas makan yang dikasih semacam Curcuminoid, kami menghabiskan masing-masing 2 bungkus nasi kucing (biasa toh...?). Lanjut masih ada 5 tempe goreng tepung, 3 buat pacar saya, 2 buat saya (masih normal juga), lalu masih dilanjut 2 sate sapi, 2 sate keong, 3 sate kikil, 1 sate usu, 1 kepala ayam, oke, asal tahu saja, itu banyak banget. Ditambah, minuman saya yang berisi (tape panas, air gula panas ada tapenya, tape ketan pula. Kalau mau ikut kata iklan "Aku Bisa" itu, karbo lauk karbo, atau mungkin di kasus saya, karbo minum karbo).
Merasa kenyang (atau lebih tepatnya kekenyangan), kami lanjut. Nongkrong di dekat perlintasan kereta api, terkesima dengan palangnya yang otomatis membuka dan menutup sendiri kalau ada kereta yang melintas, dan kami memutuskan putar-putar Malioboro menggunakan becak. Lantas kami mencegat (bukan, bapaknya udah ngejogrok dari tadi di belakang kami) bapak becak. Kami bilang mau putar-putar, biayanya berapa ya? Bapaknya bilang "tigang dasa" alias tiga puluh ribu. O... ayo saja. Naiklah kami ke becak bapak itu, mulai mengitari Jalan Malioboro, dengan sedikit malu karena belum pernah kami naik becak, desak-desakan pula (si mas sebelah saya badannya besar ya, tolong catat).
Bapaknya tanya kami orang mana, kami bilang "kuliah di sini kok, Pak. Mau main saja, putar-putar." Dan si bapak cuma tertawa. Masuk ke area Alun-alun utara, wah, tetap ramai seperti pasar malam.
"Ini alun-alun utara, Mas, Mbak." Kami tersenyum, karena kami memang sudah tahu, tapi saya salut, ada nada bangga di suara bapak itu, padahal dia orang Jawa Timur loh. Hahahaha
Kemudian menyusuri jalan (saya lupa) dan kami mulai masuk daerah Dagadu, kami memilih lanjut walau bapaknya mempersilahkan kami untuk turun dan melihat-lihat. Tak berapa lama, sampailah di Kauman, lalu PKU dan Sarkem.
"Pak, jam segini udah keluar belum (itu, tau kan?)" yang tanya pacar saya.
"O, sudah, Mas, tapi paling di gang itu, kalau makin malam baru mulai keluar ke jalan ini."
Kami berbelok dan akhirnya tiba di tempat semula, "Mau turun di mana, Mas?"
"Tempat yang tadi saja, Pak."
Begitu sampai, kami turun, tapi foto-foto dulu, dan yang foto ya bapak becak itu, pakai kamera DSLR pula ,"Saya nggak bisa pakainya, Mas."
"Boten napa-napa, Pak."
Setelah diajari, si bapak bisa pakai itu kamera dan memotret kami. Lalu, kami bayar bapak itu, 50.000, tambahan ucapan terimakasih karena mengenalkan daerah yang tidak kami kenal, dan saya rasa bapak itu berhak mendapatkan lebih dari tarifnya. Kamu lalu pamit
"Matur suwun, Mas, Mbak, kalau mau putar-putar lagi, sama saya saja."
"Naminipun, Pak?"
"Pak Anton, itu ada di becak saya."
Terimakasih bapak, sudah menemani kami keliling dan tanpa sadar mengajari untuk sabar dan terus berusaha saat sedang mengalami masa sulit..."
